Oh, I totally had that thought. About the werewolf. Even if he's still Alonzo to me.
Ahem. There's no such thing as too much Tovey.
Also, this episode went REALLY WELL with a bottle of mead for two. Gatiss amuses me, even as he services the fan in me.
And, yeah. Ending scene. WTF???
The best explanation I can come up with is that it was people walking back and forth in front of the headlights.
Slight exposure to the gas, seeing what he'd expect to see?
I thought that when John reached the ridge where the lights were from he found it to be a local lovers lane, and that giving the car springs a workout were making the light seem to go on and off.
I was having some trouble with my stream, though, so I could have misunderstood. Guess I'll have to rewatch.
a local lovers lane
AKA "Dogging". See also that episode of "Being Human" where George inadvertantly stumbles into a group headed by Rhys of Torchwood, while we're on the subject of character mix-ups.
I thought his character was disturbingly like George before George got a backbone. I feel very familiar with that sort of wailing.
I feel very familiar with that sort of wailing.
snerk. Yeah. I'm glad he at least got that first scene to do other stuff.
I thought that when John reached the ridge where the lights were from he found it to be a local lovers lane, and that giving the car springs a workout were making the light seem to go on and off.
I got that, but then he brought it up to Sherlock later, as if he still thought it was a clue, so that was weird.
I thought Sherlock brought it up when he was apologizing.
Having just re-watched that scene, Sherlock was the one to bring it up, and John shut it down pretty fast. Plot-wise, it seemed to function as the origin of the acronym idea.
Ah, thanks. Yep, that clears it up.
Man, that was a really good episode. So much to love about it.
Being in the US is annoying. Makes it less than simple to watch the video up on the John Watson blog.