I thought that when John reached the ridge where the lights were from he found it to be a local lovers lane, and that giving the car springs a workout were making the light seem to go on and off.
I was having some trouble with my stream, though, so I could have misunderstood. Guess I'll have to rewatch.
a local lovers lane
AKA "Dogging". See also that episode of "Being Human" where George inadvertantly stumbles into a group headed by Rhys of Torchwood, while we're on the subject of character mix-ups.
I thought his character was disturbingly like George before George got a backbone. I feel very familiar with that sort of wailing.
I feel very familiar with that sort of wailing.
snerk. Yeah. I'm glad he at least got that first scene to do other stuff.
I thought that when John reached the ridge where the lights were from he found it to be a local lovers lane, and that giving the car springs a workout were making the light seem to go on and off.
I got that, but then he brought it up to Sherlock later, as if he still thought it was a clue, so that was weird.
I thought Sherlock brought it up when he was apologizing.
Having just re-watched that scene, Sherlock was the one to bring it up, and John shut it down pretty fast. Plot-wise, it seemed to function as the origin of the acronym idea.
Ah, thanks. Yep, that clears it up.
Man, that was a really good episode. So much to love about it.
Being in the US is annoying. Makes it less than simple to watch the video up on the John Watson blog.
Plei, I had that problem last night: [link]