No need to whitefont in UnAmerican.
I would have liked Rudy to be a bit more different from Nathan, but he ticks so many of the same boxes (loudmouth, overestimation of sexual attractiveness, etc. etc.). QuietTwin!Rudy was much more interesting, so it was a pity he didn't pop up at all in the second episode.
I liked Episode 2 quite a lot, despite it being a fairly standard bloke-becomes-woman-and-discovers-what-shits-all-men-are plot.
Jon, I am confident that they're going somewhere with Kelly's new power, based on how cool it was when she repaired PowerTransferGuy's car.
Aaaah! Haven't watched ep 2 yet. [holds hand in front of eyes]
Yeah, me neither. Why the hell do I keep coming here? I haven't even finished ep 1. Oh, yeah. I have no sense. Things are clearer to me now...
That was every fanfic I try not to bother reading, but that's about how they go.
Hey, we got to see junk! It's such a world, with such marvels in it. They take things so for granted. I think I can take Rudy better than I could take Nathan, but I liked Nathan more.
Amazing casting on Melanie. Gorgeous, tall, athletic, slopey cheekbones.
What did they do with the guy in the trunk.
What did they do with the guy in the trunk.
Did you not see him tied up to a wall at the track with "I drug and rape girls" written on his torso?
I mostly liked this episode, though I felt it was lacking in action.
I don't know about Rudy. But it took me most of the first series to love Nathan. (Nathan was disturbingly like a guy I used to do theatre with, down to how transparent he was in his delight in saying something that disgusted everyone. IRL, it wasn't nearly as endearing.)
Hey, we got to see junk! It's such a world, with such marvels in it.
Yeah, I boggled at that a bit. But in a good way.
I thought the actress playing Melissa was fantastic too. I hope she shows up regularly. Lots of dualities this series so far.
returning to BBC1 on New Year's Day:
How often do the episodes run?
Every blue moon?
I think it was weekly before.
I can't believe that article discusses slash. Perverts.