That's how I said it when I took Maths A Level in the 80s, so it's definitely not new.
It's just dialect.
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That's how I said it when I took Maths A Level in the 80s, so it's definitely not new.
It's just dialect.
Speaking of dumb American losing the plot, can anyone explain to me the differing use of 'maths' vs. 'math'?
all the brits i've talked to about that say it's called mathematics, not mathematic. *shrug* i still think it sounds wrong with the "s" added on.
But you don't usually abbreviate a word by taking out the middle.
Still, really, it's about what you grew up with. So it all sounds reasonable to me.
all the brits i've talked to about that say it's called mathematics, not mathematic
This makes perfect sense to me, though I can't think of any similar plural abbreviations.
That's how I said it when I took Maths A Level in the 80s, so it's definitely not new.
That was my assumption, but given what a crazy Anglophile I am, it's boggling to think that particular word never crossed my ears before.
This makes perfect sense to me, though I can't think of any similar plural abbreviations.
I'd say anything else you abbreviate in the plural would keep the 's'. The abbreviation of gymnasiums isn't just gym, for instance.
I think the difference is that people don't think of mathematics as plural, because no one talks about mathematic. So to an American, it's just a word ending in s. The abbreviation of gymnasiums is the plural of the abbreviation of gymnasium.
I think the difference is that people don't think of mathematics as plural, because no one talks about mathematic.
Sure, and using Math instead of Maths doesn't really ping me. I notice, but just in an "oh yeah, American" kind of way. It is, however, anomalous, strictly speaking.
I still don't know what 'safe' is supposed to mean though.
It's a stand-in for 'okay' or 'wicked' or maybe cool. Except I don't think any chav would ever be heard using the word 'cool'.
So you'd hear people saying "Yeah, aright, safe" at the end of conversations or if they're agreeing with something. Saying "Safe, blud" is a greeting too, sometimes...
Well, I really enjoyed that one. (Got to it a little late, but....).
What with caring about what happened to Kelly, and being genuinely happy for Simon, our Nathan seems to be in danger of turning into a regular, or at least a not-permanently-irritating, guy.
(He still managed to say, "What's a gorilla doing in a gorilla suit?" though, and for that I am grateful).
ETA: Misfits Christmas Special is this coming Sunday, E4, 10 pm.
Misfits Christmas Special is this coming Sunday, E4, 10 pm.
And the series finale is tomorrow, right?