I really want more info on just what an H tree is. Two seperate trees/trunks that had boughs merge in an H? THE INTERNETS ARE LETTING ME DOWN (they keep wanting to talk about Hausdorff dimensions and Linux).
Edit: Ah hah! I was correct! [link] I am, however, unimpressed.
Context isn't required but I just read this on IMDB.
...which grossed more than $1 billion (£69 million) worldwide.
Wow, the US dollar really has plunged. That's almost Zimbabwean in nature. :-D
Maybe they're not US dollars?
But a billion Australian or Canadian dollars is also a lot more than 69 million pounds.
Current exchange rate: 1 USD = 0.673 GBP
They obviously dropped a zero off of the £69 million figure.
They obviously dropped a zero off of the £69 million figure.
Uh-huh, and no doubt it will be amended at some point. I just got a chuckle out of it.
Maybe it's the Guyanese Dollar.
Eurovision watch-and-post, anyone?
Edit: or is it in Natter, and I'm just missing it all?
For any Aussie lurkers: Channel 7 is advertising the new Nathan Fillion show,
It starts this Sunday after
It is well worth watching, as Nathan is terrific in it.
Sorry, no Eurovision posting in Natter...while I occasionally see awesome costumes noted on "Go Fug Yourself" or elsewhere on the internet, and clips on YouTube linked places, we don't usually get to watch the whole thing, here in the US, much as it looks like awesome fun.