I'm so glad to hear the procedure was uncomplicated. Poor little hungry-thirsty-upset noodle; that little, you can't even explain to them the why of any of it.
As long as Benno is still in the single digits, his age is at least within the realm of possibility. When he turns 10, though, we will all collectively perish of the shock.
Ripper is not dead!
I don't know who goes to what threads but at Comic-con one of the projects that Joss Whedon talked about is a 90 minute tv movie on the BBC about Giles.
Not sure exactly where this belongs...
My family's over here, and text messages sent between us are now delayed by at least half an hour, despite (actually because of) being in the same room.
I know going abroad buying a local SIM card is the way to go--can you do that in the US? She got her phone to work like a local in Kenya, but even though I'm on one of the GSM networks here I don't know about getting on them on a temporary basis.
SA was able to do that when she came back to the US. I don't know the details, though.
Unfortunately I wasn't -- there were some advertisements at local shops for pre-paid sim cards, but they were kind of sketch. The closest thing we have to the system in the UK is Cingular's pay as you go, which you can pick up at wal-mart, but in so far as I know you can't pick up just a SIM card, you have to buy the card plus the phone. There's a chance that going to a Cingular store (or others; my family just happens to use Cingular) and purchasing a sim card, but from what I understand they make you do a bunch of paperwork for it.
I ended up just using payphones until I got back to TN and my parents loaned me a spare SIM; which was ridiculously expensive ($1 per call!) and inconvenient.
Blah. I guess we won't be texting while she's here, then.
How irritating. Ya know, if it's easy to use the tech in the third world, it shouldn't be this hard here.
This is what I'm saying, seriously.
Cellphones in the US suck beyond all reason.
Well, this answers one of my two cellphone questions - I was thinking that I could stick a local SIM card in my phone from Greece, like you do, but no one could tell me where to get a SIM in the US.
Also, as far as I can tell, there's no way to call an international number using a US cellphone.