Thank you, everybody! I think he had a good day.
Nilly, I've made a note of your non-pushy-and-whiny request, but I can't get onto it right away. The bad cough and cold I've had for three weeks turned into double pneumonia, so I'm having to take it as easy as the mother of two small children can at the moment. Soon, I hope.
Oh, Fiona - I hope you feel as healthy as possible as quickly as possible. Take care.
turned into double pneumonia
Eep! That's twice as bad as single pneumonia. Rest up and get better, Fi.
Ms Havisham and I will be in the UK, mostly in Scotland, from the 12 to the 21st of this month for our 10th wedding anniversary trip. If anyone wants to say hi, drop us a line.
I won't be in Scotland until August, I'm afraid.
Have a great trip! Where are you going to go?
erm.. I have nothing to add about anybody's travels, and last time I checked Scoootlind was more than a day trip from here, but I must say that it's nice to see activity in the ol' Un-thread again.
Start in London, hit some of the WW2 air museums, drive up to Scotland, spend a night in a castle on the Isle of Mull, do some modest wanderings, then mosey on down to London to leave.
Mull is gorgeous. I spent a lovely holiday there when I was twelve. Try to watch "I Know Where I'm Going!" and an episode or two of "Balamory" before you go; both were largely shot there.
Anybody around who speaks German? I've got a question in Natter.
I need to buy some sort of gift card/gift certificate for an older woman in Thailand. Anyone have tips on what I could get that would not use up most of the card in shipping? (I.E. if I gave an Amazon certificate would half the value end up being used for shipping to Thailand?) (I was going to give Skype minutes, but I have had my Skype account for less than three months, so am not eligible to buy them. It is supposed to be a security thing, but I don't really get that. How is letting me buy a gift certificate more a security risk than letting me have an account?) Anyway I'm hoping that Fay or someone will have some advice.