Not a complete break but a little lattitude... the family friend IS thinking outside the box he was given, but it's a teeny box.
And he also gets the "deals with individuals fairly" chit. He may make broad statements about "the blacks" or "the hispanics" but he's a respected mechanic who treats his customers and employees of all backgrounds well. He's the guy bussing was invented for-- hard to diss the folks you know.
FWIW, my shiny new tagline is CS Lewis--but it seemed appropriate to the new board.
(For posterity, "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.")
Mr. Lewis, meet Richard Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins meet C.S. Lewis.
Snerk! Gar is right; it infuriates me when people say things like "but
was anti-Semitic then." Well, no they weren't. Just for a start, an awful lot of Jews weren't anti-Semitic. (Some were, of course.)
Yes, those "everyones" are a disservice to the bold exceptions and an arrogant view of ourselves.
I was going to say something about having the courage of your convictions and bravery in the face of ingnorance and oppression, but smarter people than I have said it and I'm tired. Go look them up and pretend I said it.
I've never read any C. S. Lewis.
t /Not wanting to be left out of the CSL conversation
whoa, this board doesn't take kindly to faux html tags :)
/Not wanting to be left out of the CSL conversation
if you put a lower case t in front of that statement, it will automatically put the tags around it, like so:
t /Not wanting to be left out of the CSL conversation
Thanks Megan, I was trying to remember that yesterday, to no avail.