Jars still in Dublin? Huh.
SA, I'll be in Dublin! Or various parts of Ireland. Oct 24-Nov 1. Though I may end up having to rearrange that some, for work.
Buffy ,'Sleeper'
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Jars still in Dublin? Huh.
SA, I'll be in Dublin! Or various parts of Ireland. Oct 24-Nov 1. Though I may end up having to rearrange that some, for work.
SA, meara, if either of you want to meet up while you're in Dublin, just mail me at my profile addy. I think it's about time I saw another Buffista in the flesh.
Meeting other flesh-Buffistas is only to be recommended.
Likewise, if anyone is heading towards southern Germany, drop me a line. Gus - it looks as if things will be slightly less crazy here from October, so if you want to test your new-found German skillz on, you know, real Germans, give me a shout.
Awww man, I want to meet Fi and Benno and Mr. Fi.
Likewise, Mr. & Mrs. and young Master Zmayhem. SF is looking a looong way away right now, though, sadly.
Hey Fiona, I think I'm going to be in Germany next summer! The plan is to visit my friend in Berlin for a couple of weeks, but I'd also hope to get out of the city and see some of the country too. How close to Berlin are you? Sorry, I'm shamefully ignorant of German geography.
As one of many people who has hosted Kate, I can vouch for her as a houseguest. She's easy peasy and fun. Plus, more than willing to mix it up with little poots.
My German is reserved for people who deserve faltering, badly enunciated utterances that fail to find a point.
Mostly, I employ the new skillz for listening.
Sumi-ko and I will have some time in the latter half of October to take a road trip, Fiona. We should get together to do a thing in a place.
With such recommendations, Kate and Gus, how could I refuse? I'm quite a way from Berlin - 4 to 5 hours by car (driving German style, no speed limit), and about the same by train, costing EUR 100,00 one way. (I know these are distances you Murricans sneeze at, but to us mid-Europeans, it's far).
Berlin is such a fantastic city, though, perhaps I should visit while you're there instead. Or something.
A thing in a place - yes.
A thing in a place - yes.
See? This is how these German women get that overly-specific, bossy reputation. Go ahead, dictate every instant of our road trip, Bossy Dominatrix Girl.