With such recommendations, Kate and Gus, how could I refuse? I'm quite a way from Berlin - 4 to 5 hours by car (driving German style, no speed limit), and about the same by train, costing EUR 100,00 one way. (I know these are distances you Murricans sneeze at, but to us mid-Europeans, it's
Berlin is such a fantastic city, though, perhaps I should visit while you're there instead. Or something.
A thing in a place - yes.
A thing in a place - yes.
See? This is how these German women get that overly-specific, bossy reputation. Go ahead, dictate every instant of our road trip, Bossy Dominatrix Girl.
Fiona, 4-5 hours doesn't sound unreasonably far, and I know my friend would delight in showing me how fast he can drive. Or, meeting up in Berlin is good too. Not that I have, you know, plane tickets or even firm dates yet, but I'm all excited at the thought that I might get to meet you.
Great news billytea!
Yes. Yes it is.
t looks dignified
t under the right light
t and from a distance
t and, y'know, if I left the flashing bow tie at home today
Great news?
t scratches head
t reaches over and scratches billytea's head
reaches over and scratches billytea's head
The Pacific was no match for jimi's Inspector Gadget-like arms. He did, however, manage to elevate the alert level in the US past red to "Dr Klaw".
Just watched BTVS "Lie To Me" dubbed in German.
How in the hell are there German Buffy fans?