Fiona, I did miss your note in Natter. The sins of skipping are many and dark.
Where in Germany? (if it is not too specific for the internet)
I foresee a road trip!
ION:I am setting up for television in the new digs and finding the satellite options a little confusing. What is the best play?
Fiona, I did miss your note in Natter. The sins of skipping are many and dark.
Gus shall henceforth be known as Dark Skippy. He is Legion.
Beware Dark Skippy, the Weremonkey of Doom. He is roaming the Continent, snatching up good jobs and charming goils wherever he goes. Your city may be next!
Yes. All your goils and jobs are belong to us. My laugh is an evil laugh.
His Covert Majesty (in Exile), the Honorary Princess Dark Skippy Gus, Weremonkey.
...surely Dark Skippy should be the WereKangaroo of Doom?
(NB - don't know whether
Goodness Gracious Me
ever got sent to the US or to Oz, but 'Skipinder the Bush Kangaroo' was a thing of genius. ijs.)
Where in Germany?
Northern Bavaria. If you're planning anything let me know and I'll be more specific in email.
Fay! How are you doing? I too am a big Natter-skipper, I missed you there.
Northern Bavaria.
Cool! I'll be in Heidelburg at Akademie für Fremdsparchen for a language immersion dealy the last two weeks of August. Watch your email. Seriously shameful party time is in order.
(NB - don't know whether Goodness Gracious Me ever got sent to the US or to Oz, but 'Skipinder the Bush Kangaroo' was a thing of genius. ijs.)
Oh dear, was this the 'roo equivalent of FLIPPER? Because I have a theme song running in my head I haven't thought of since childhood (although I think they might have renamed the 'roo Skippy for USians).
The Amurricans wimp out early, 2AM being a silent, or possibly a too drunk to post time for them.
9AM-ish being too early for the Continentals, of a Saturday, I am left to my own lonely posting. Luckily, I have just exchanged email with my son in Auckland, who is in a stranger-yet timezone.
Evidently, there is a thing called "surfing" (which does not occur in Wisconsin, oceans being absent) that he has discovered. All the good surfing is supposed to happen in Australia and Hawaii, according to all the movies, so I am reluctant to recognize his enthusiasm for this form of exercise.
Such enthusiasms should be restrained to snowboarding, as the Good Lord intended.
Hiya Swiss Miss Gus, it's 5.30pm here and wet, wet, wet (rain not surf).