The Amurricans wimp out early, 2AM being a silent, or possibly a too drunk to post time for them.
9AM-ish being too early for the Continentals, of a Saturday, I am left to my own lonely posting. Luckily, I have just exchanged email with my son in Auckland, who is in a stranger-yet timezone.
Evidently, there is a thing called "surfing" (which does not occur in Wisconsin, oceans being absent) that he has discovered. All the good surfing is supposed to happen in Australia and Hawaii, according to all the movies, so I am reluctant to recognize his enthusiasm for this form of exercise.
Such enthusiasms should be restrained to snowboarding, as the Good Lord intended.
Hiya Swiss Miss Gus, it's 5.30pm here and wet, wet, wet (rain not surf).
Cool! I'll be in Heidelburg at Akademie für Fremdsparchen for a language immersion dealy the last two weeks of August.
Oh dear - that's a really bad time for me, we're on holiday for most of it, and things are pretty hectic afterwards (B. is starting pre-kindergarten, etc.). But we'll see, keep me posted. Heidelberg is about 3 - 4 hours drive from here.
Frankenbuddha, the bush kangaroo
Skippy, I think the Skipinder Fiona is referring to was a parody of same.
As for Skippy being the roo equivalent of Flipper, well it's unfair to make comparisons but I would think that Skippy's record of crimes solved and international drug cartels foiled
outweighs Flipper's, to be frank.
But, but Flipper was King of the Sea. . .
Frankenbuddha, the bush kangaroo was Skippy, I think the Skipinder Fiona is referring to was a parody of same.
Still, it's all well and good to know that it was a show I actually saw instead of, say, an acid flashback.
As for Skippy being the roo equivalent of Flipper, well it's unfair to make comparisons but I would think that Skippy's record of crimes solved and international drug cartels foiled far outweighs Flipper's, to be frank.
So, the marsupial equivalent of the Avengers instead?
Goodness Gracious Me
was broadcast in Oz. Bloody funny show, though I don't remember the Skipinder skit.
(B. is starting pre-kindergarten, etc.).
Seriously?? I remember when he was born! It doesn't seem like it was that long ago.
Hiya! All is well in the land of the Pharaohs - I've now completed my first year of employment in my shiny new career. Go me!
Meanwhile, should explain that on Goodness Gracious Me they either got the actual reels of
or else constructed something close using footage of kangaroos - I presumed it was the real thing. Only they had Skippy thinking out loud, with a Punjabi accent, and having an alcohol problem, and just generally being very funny.
Six AM-ish in Bern. My new apartment (above a
for those who know what that means) is near a bakery. The air coming through the window is probably fattening. Switzerland is all about sugar and yeast and chocolate. Poor dead Dr. Atkins' ghost haunts Switzerland, shaking his head.
Since no one wanted to advise me on the satellite TV issue, I got Sky+ (German). Go ahead and correct me.
Goodness Gracious Me
was available in the States on BBCA for a while. It was not very accessable for a Yank, or anyway, for this Yank.