Can we not make buffoons out of our heroes?
And, ever worse - their villain? That's what rankled - playing Angelus for laughs this late in the day.
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Can we not make buffoons out of our heroes?
And, ever worse - their villain? That's what rankled - playing Angelus for laughs this late in the day.
The Italy one had a better B plot than A plot, although it was worth the entrance money for the Ciao gag.
I loved Evil Smurf Fred with all her "hmmm, your human emotions are strange to me" Trekkiness, but yeah I guess that was mainly camp value. She was excellent in the last ep though.
I actually thought there was one more episode...
I was also suprised to realise this was the final episode. *sigh*
As for H and A. Didn't Guy Pierce, Heath Ledger and Melissa WhatshernamethatsnowinAlias all appear in it? Not bad really.
Well, considering how many TV shows and movies are made over here, it's not so surprising they--and others--appeared in one or both those soaps. Even good actors sometimes appear in crap. :)
I loved the Illyria character and thought they managed to avoid it being campy. I think the fact she was neither good nor bad, just so far beyond humans made her compelling.
The outfit wasn't bad either.
I loved the Illyria character and thought they managed to avoid it being campy. I think the fact she was neither good nor bad, just so far beyond humans made her compelling.
The outfit wasn't bad either.
Scotsmen must think alike b/c I also liked the character--and her outfit. I didn't think her campy and she wasn't blue enough to be smurfy. Also, she killed the team spectacularly.
I won't put a lie to your words and will agree that the killing of the team, was brutal (and amusingly) spectacular.
I loved the Illyria character and thought they managed to avoid it being campy.
The b-story in the Italian episode was amazing, with Amy Acker going back and forth (and occasionally blurring) between Fred and Illyria. It deserved either its own episode, or a better a-plot (although much of that made me howl with laughter, even as I was angry we were getting a throw-away that late in the game).
I'll still take that episode over the WWII one. Other than some interesting character notes vis-a-vis Angel, that was pretty much a total waste of an episode for me. At least the Italian ep made good use of SOME of the supporting cast.
I totally agree with the criticisms of the Italian episode. I thought it was funny -- "I signalled her with my eyes." is a top ten quote candidate -- but I hated how it interrupted the build-up to the finale and I didn't think it was a good resolution to the Angel/Spike/Buffy thing. I think it will be worse going back and watching it now because we've since learnt that Angel was planning to throw himself to the wolves, and it just doesn't hang together.
eg the one where Connor came back (the first time). But then I lose my critical faculties when Connor is on screen.
The connor one rocked
Loved that episode. I want to marry well-adjusted-but-still-slightly-dark Connor.
The finale left me utterly broken. I felt like I should get the day off work today to mourn. They give doctor's certificates for that kind of thing, right?
Anthony Stewart Head's appearance on New Tricks just happened. Still weird seeing him not as Giles. :)