If any Aussies want to see Lex Luthor with hair -- and as a goofy dude -- check out
on Seven at around 2AM on Friday mornings. Oh and it also stars Selma Blair as Zoe.
eta: according to ebroadcast.com.au, the show is also on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings and is screened at 1:30AM.
Shit! Just found out that the Angel Season 4 release date has been pushed back to April 28, while Buffy Season 7 won't be out until May 12.
Fox blow!
Selma Blair? thanks for the tip!
Channel 7 apparently realised that re-screening the season premiere of Angel at the request of fans might ruin their reputation as utter bastards, so they've switched the show to 11:30pm on Thursdays just to shake things up. In NSW, anyway.
Fuckers! Where the frilly heck is Buffy!
It's for me, so unless jimi's moved from SA it's him too.
D'uh, yeah, I did see your post Allan and I did know you were in SA, my only excuse is that anti-biotics are making my brain woolly like a mammoth at the moment, not capable of putting 2 and 2 together.
I do wonder why they moved it. Was it getting beaten by Merrick and Rosso Unplanned? Because other than that it was only up against news on ABC and 10, and random movies on SBS. Maybe the Buffy repeats were getting good ratings.
Moonlit, if you see this, I've been thinking it's probably better not to ask your friend to try to bring biscuits into the US. They've institutued new rules concerning bioterrorism that basically mean you can't bring food in. I wouldn't want said friend to have any trouble at Customs just because I have the munchies.