Dammit, I missed it. This is what happens when I decide to have a social life. I got a friend to tape it for me, but I still won't see it til the weekend. Poop.
And yes! Smallville! Huzzah! MR should
not have a shirt on. If that means that Clark has to move to the desert island with Lex for the show to go on, then so be it.
Happy Australia Day to the Aussistas!
Buffy is back! :)
Seven are going back to the beginning and
Welcome to the Hellmouth
is being screened on Thursday night at 11:10PM around the nation.
No mention of Angel 5 as yet.
Good news.
Allthough I guess my celebration over the resolving of the Thursday night Farscape/Hornblower conflict was premature
Is there a version of [link] or US Search.com for the UK? My sister's trying to find a high school friend who seems to have dropped off (or never been on, if that's possible! Heathen!) the Google radar.
I've had reasonable luck with [link]
Thanks, guys. I'll forward that to my sister.
Do you think people in the UK tend to be more net invisible than people in similar positions here?
Yeah, to some extent. A lot of people are ungooglable.