I really liked Queer Eye too. What everyone has been saying about it is true--they took notice of what the guy wanted, worked around his existing likes and needs etc--but I was also pleasantly surprised by the dirty talk! I thought the gay guys might have been completely desexualised to render them less threatening, but not at all.
So which do think will be the first to win a toaster.
I was pleased and vindicated recently when they took a Queer Eye specimen to H & M. That is where I get my $4 t-shirts! The guy was an incredible cheapskate, so it was the perfect place for him.
I thought the gay guys might have been completely desexualised to render them less threatening, but not at all.
There's one or two guys who joke and act mildly uncomfortable. Mostly, though, they take the jokey innuendoes in really good style, and some give back as good as they get.
The guy was an incredible cheapskate, so it was the perfect place for him.
Was that the guy that TWOP was outing as a famewhore?
Was that the guy that TWOP was outing as a famewhore?
Don't know much about TWOP, ita, but he was also the guy who, when the Fab 5 got done critiquing his place, said everything was perfectly fine until they showed up.
That + cheapskate told me that guy didn't really want to change anything. He just wanted a bunch of free stuff. Or publicity.
Was that the guy that TWOP was outing as a famewhore?
So I go over to TWoP to see what I can find, and in the
recaplet I come across this gem (whitefonted just in case):
"How will Bo stop Clark next week? My best guess: A massive bovine army."
That + cheapskate told me that guy didn't really want to change anything. He just wanted a bunch of free stuff. Or publicity.
Not to mention that he seemed to have taken nothing in. (Though that did make it, to me, the funniest ep yet.)
Not to mention that he seemed to have taken nothing in. (Though that did make it, to me, the funniest ep yet.)
And also the saddest, with the martini shaker.
And also the saddest, with the martini shaker.
Lordy yes. Though Thom's Rain Man comment set me off again.
(whitefonted just in case)
Thanks, billytea. The Angel recaps at TWOP don't tempt me, but dammit, the Smallville ones do. And annoyingly, I think I like the show just enough to want to be unspoiled.
I loathe this time of year with a firey passion, in recent years. Okay, this year and last year. And I'm starting to loathe the slowness of my internet connection, or I'd download them and be only a little behind.
I'm so glad you guys like QE! And I don't know why that is. It's like we did something right for once.
I found out recently that my landlord, who provides the apartment they kvetch in, was offering opportunities to be on the show-- in all the other buildings but mine. Just because I live in Chelsea doesn't mean my BF is clueful!