Monk is excellent, you're in for a treat.
Yay! I heart quirky detectives. I don't like the Saturday night scheduling very much, but I'm going to really make the effort to remember to tape.
I'm looking forward to Queer Eye for the Straight Guy as well, the snark in the ads makes me giggle. "Oh look! He put the lounge room where the crack den used to be!" Mondays will be a double whammy of cheesy TV for me to indulge in to get the flavour of supervisor meetings out of my mouth: Australian Idol and Queer Eye all in one night!
Queer Eye is great! Carson is really funny and I'm not sure which culture guy is in that one. At first there was Blair, he wasn't funny and didn't do much. Then they got Jai. Jai is fun.
"There's a hooker in Jersey who's missing her boots." (cackle)
And I like Ted, whom I've been unfortunately calling "Food Guy" for weeks.(I didn't know that red wine turned your teeth purple...maybe it's held me back socially.)
I've dated women who drank lots of red wine, and I never noticed purple teeth. The Fab Five give a lot of good tips, but that wasn't one of them.
Uh-uh, Jon, the red wine danger is a deadly one. I think food might help, but it happens to me enough to limit red wine consumption to in private.
Maybe its genetic, like the way the noses of some Irish people turn red when they drink....
I think you're standing on shaky ground with this one, Jon. Genetic staining? I think it's that other drinks or food may rinse the stain off.
I think you're standing on shaky ground with this one, Jon.
I think I need to use more winkies in my posts.
You remember those chewable tablets from the dentist that stick to plaque and turn your teeth red where you didn't brush? Red wine could work like that.