UK Buffy? No. I loved Strange , but I'd describe it more as the X-Files made by Hammer Films. There is a theory that it's what started as Ripper , which is plausible, but unlikely. It's definitely worth seeing, if only because Richard Coyle, as the defrocked priest turned Mulder figure, is unrecognisable from Coupling . If you read comics, it's quite John Constantine.
So it's as good as it looked to be?
I'm hoping it comes to BBC America, drat it.
I know Fay is in Cairo, and did not know when and if she'd have net access again. But does anyone have news?
There are dragonflies in the desert, she ruined her kettle first out (or it was already broken) and she had to buy a new one, and, um..
She's well.
Thanks Plei. Will she be posting occasionally, or is she pretty much short on time and net access?
She's posted a couple times already, IIRC. I expect more (though still dark) when all is regular.
So it's as good as it looked to be?
Oh yes. Tom Baker as the blind monk demon hunter.
I want it now, which, of course, means I'll never get to see it in the states, because it's all going to be Father Ted reruns and Manchild the way my TV luck goes.
oh and even bigger FUCK ... Johnny Cash has finally died.
Yeah, my stereo's been playing Johnny Cash all morning. His version of Nick Cave's "Mercy Seat" is wonderful.