Okay, this is a bit of an obscure question, but it's bugging the crap out of me.
I'm watching Second Sight: Parasomnia, and the guy that plays an ex of the main suspect -- a slight black guy -- is very familiar. I'm pretty sure I saw him in an upsetting role, one where he was falsely accused of a murder, perhaps of someone he loved, and I think he committed suicide. Also fairly sure it was one of the Prime Suspects.
But his SS character (Mr. Sylvester) isn't listed in IMDB. Does anyone know, maybe, which Prime Suspect, and which character?
edit: Fraser James, played Tony Allen. Whew.
ita, I was just coming to post that, having checked the credits of PS 2, IIRC he was the brother of the murdered girl.
Thanks, moonlit.
I was under the mistaken impression that the SS 2 didn't have credits, because PBS inserts ads before them, and I never made it through them.
I've only seen him in those two things, but he broke my heart in PS2. I need to watch that again. It was my favourite.
Ah, see we got the unadulterated BBC versions of SS 'cos they screen on our ABC which is basically like the Australian chapter of the BBC.
Only cooler, because Plasmo and John H are from there.
Obscure google tricks. It parses numerical expressions.
Search for 2+2 or 1009*21 and it invokes google calculator. Plus enter : "the answer to life, the universe and everything", and the first result it returns is 42!
Google in full geek mode
Died down? It never lived here.
enter : "the answer to life, the universe and everything", and the first result it returns is 42!
I like that. Bizarrely, I really like that.
While we're talking Googlegeek, have you seen Google labs? Some of the stuff there, especially Google sets is fun. Try entering three words that are as unconnected as possible and pressing the "large set" button. Sometimes it's dull; sometimes it's very, very silly.
Right ita - I accidentally posted here instead of natter. Will edit reference out.