t backs through the door dragging strange looking seating with yummy UnAmerican chocolates precariously balanced on the footrests
Oi, can I get a hand with these squatter's chairs? They're pretty bloody heavy. (What? Only American's can talk funny?)
I always consider ita an UnAmerican, and not just because I selfishly want her all to ourselves, either, nonono.
Where's John H? Didn't he kick his class out for a break about now?
He was supposed to...I guess he'll be along in his lunch break, probably.
I was going to ask if an American could drop by, but I see Lori is already here.
Hey Min! Welcome UnAmericans.
Can I be an honorary UnAmerican? Americans talk funny. I only live here.
What ita said. Accidents of geography don't count.
They're just passing through.
On their way to Australia.
t /cf Support Your Local Sheriff
I keep forgetting I'm an unAmerican too.