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Mal ,'War Stories'

All Ogle, No Cash -- It's Not Just Annoying, It's Un-American

Discussion of episodes currently airing in Un-American locations (anything that's aired in Australia is fair game), as well as anything else the Un-Americans feel like talking about or we feel like asking them. Please use the show discussion threads for any current-season discussion.

Add yourself to the Buffista map while you're here by updating your profile.

lori - Sep 17, 2002 8:01:37 pm PDT #5 of 9843

Where's John H? Didn't he kick his class out for a break about now?

Angus G - Sep 17, 2002 8:03:25 pm PDT #6 of 9843
Roguish Laird

He was supposed to...I guess he'll be along in his lunch break, probably.

Burrell - Sep 17, 2002 8:03:26 pm PDT #7 of 9843
Why did Darth Vader cross the road? To get to the Dark Side!

I was going to ask if an American could drop by, but I see Lori is already here.

DavidS - Sep 17, 2002 8:04:19 pm PDT #8 of 9843
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Hey Min! Welcome UnAmericans.

Theodosia - Sep 17, 2002 8:06:47 pm PDT #9 of 9843
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

Hurrah UnAmericanskis!

billytea - Sep 17, 2002 8:15:02 pm PDT #10 of 9843
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.

Can I be an honorary UnAmerican? Americans talk funny. I only live here.

What ita said. Accidents of geography don't count.

Theodosia - Sep 17, 2002 8:15:52 pm PDT #11 of 9843
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

They're just passing through. On their way to Australia. t /cf Support Your Local Sheriff

candyb - Sep 17, 2002 8:15:56 pm PDT #12 of 9843

Sue - Sep 17, 2002 8:21:13 pm PDT #13 of 9843
hip deep in pie

I keep forgetting I'm an unAmerican too.

candyb - Sep 17, 2002 8:23:19 pm PDT #14 of 9843

Sorry. Gotta get used to these fast read new buttons. Can't erase mistakes anymore. WX's traceless edits made me lazy.