Well, what if you don't *want* to take it very seriously? There's a FIAWOL and FIJAGH split starting here that might get tricky. I just don't have the time and inclination to tell a lot about myself here.
What's *it*? The fact that I'll chat till the cows come home about Buffy or Angel has NOTHING to do with how seriously I take other things, love, war, politics, whatever. And just because I may talk about them with the same people? Irrelevant.
I'd rarely tell anyone how seriously they had to take anything -- but having a discussion dismissed as too serious (especially on a serious topic) because of how we may have met? That feels like *I'm* the one being dismissed.
Plus, that other sexy guy
Nigel Havers?
He's the quintessential definition of sex on a stick, British style.
I've never quite recovered from him being Paul in the adaptation of Delderfield's A Horseman Riding By.
And that's all I'm saying about that, because I'm really not that sort of a girl. Cerebral. yeah. That's my bag, honest :)
Nigel Havers?
I was blanking on his name, but DAMN he's hot.
I admitted to myself sometime last year that Manchild simply proved that Englishmen of a certain age were a major kink of mine.
Of YOURS? Get in line, sweetums.
t hands on hips in mock outrage
Of YOURS? Get in line, sweetums.
Since I was wee, and watching Dr. Who.
You may have years, but I have percentage of my life.
...Delderfield's A Horseman Riding By.
See, I preferred the adaption of,
To Serve Them All My Days
... and John Duttine ... went on to star in the superlative adaption of
Day of the Triffids.
What can I say?
I was verra young. And recently scarred by having read Diana
Oh, I'm not saying Horseman was bad, or that I didn't enjoy it, just that I preferred Serve Them more.
Clearly a case of "Your Delderfield May Vary" :)
I've been meaning to ask you jimi, you wait for the televised BtVS and Angel. Is this because you're a purist? Or just he-without-options? (And does this mean that you haven't yet seen any Fireflys?)
Nigel Havers?
Nigel Havers??
(Shakes head incredulously).
While I agree with some of Gar's comments about Caroma, and she absolutely infuriates me a lot of the time (although she's also posted some wonderful things in the past--I still remember some of her posts about NYC), there's also a part of me that admires her to willingness to be a lone (at times very annoying) voice, and really, I don't want to protect myself from being annoyed. So please let's not start treating her as a "problem" in the same league as you-know-who.