Nigel Havers?
Nigel Havers??
(Shakes head incredulously).
While I agree with some of Gar's comments about Caroma, and she absolutely infuriates me a lot of the time (although she's also posted some wonderful things in the past--I still remember some of her posts about NYC), there's also a part of me that admires her to willingness to be a lone (at times very annoying) voice, and really, I don't want to protect myself from being annoyed. So please let's not start treating her as a "problem" in the same league as you-know-who.
Urgh! He's an inisipip posh twit! ASH I get, but
t edit
Inisipip? I
that was a word, but I think I was going for "insipid."
Urgh! He's an inisipip posh twit! ASH I get, but him...
That's the
You just want to tie him up and taser him.
He's an inisipip posh twit!
See, Angus. It's that he's all that and he still expects to get laid. No questions asked. The look in the eye, the tone in the voice. That's sex on a stick. And he's dripping with it.
Oh dear. Where are Jim and Fiona when I need them? I'm pretty sure that no actual British people like him.
But *Angus* I just wanna TORTURE him!!!
Is that so wrong?
Oh well, each to their own I suppose.
I'm not a freak. I'm just semi-drunk.
Oh well, each to their own I suppose.
Well it's not like he's on my freebie list or anything.