The bronze gloves are indeed all over Porter station. And they're partly there to discourage skateboarders from trying to go down the aisle between the escalators (it's steep and long, with no braking space after).
I never thought of doing that. I hope I get to do it in a videogame someday. Some Buffy fan should put a bronzed mummy hand in the station to spook people who take the same train every day.
I have had posters get angry with me and have had to apologize for thoughtless things but that just meant I needed to be more thoughtful of other people and what I was trying to communicate.
If this can happen to scrappy, whose online persona is to helpful and thoughtful what Trudy's is to porn, it can happen to anyone. (But there's really something wrong with the world, if this happens to scrappy.)
every time they press post message, they are telling the community something about themselves. Most people want that to be a positive message.
Except that I could swear Theodosia is trying to convey something on the lines of "Puny mortal! I will be the instrument of your doom." Maybe it's just me.