I do meaningless paper pushing work. Really. It’s what I’m good at. I’ve the skills and talents to do it well, but in the big picture scheme of things? It doesn’t contribute.
It is about reading the thoughts and feelings and opinions of those posting around you and respecting them.
Julie, after that last beautifully written and expressed post, I think your skills and talents are exactly what you should be proud of.
I've been to Culloden. It's an eerie place. At least, it is when it's cold, foggy, and misty.
cold, foggy and misty in Culloden.
Julie, you expressed a lot of important things very eloquently in that post. Thank you.
So... it sounds as if it was a good new episode of Buffy last night?
t eyes shine happily
Yes... oh, yes. Isn't it nice to know goodness awaits?
<eyes shine happily>
And Noumenon gets to live for another night...
You're all only alive at this moment because of my innate benificence. Never forget this....
Hey Allan ... you've probably already seen it but in case you haven't, Channel 9 are screening
again on Saturday at 10:30pm
I've been to Culloden. It's an eerie place. At least, it is when it's cold, foggy, and misty
It's always cold, foggy and misty in Culloden.
Actually, the one time I went there it was sunny and nice out...it was late May...