Natural habitat is self regenerating but it needs to be left to seed and grow which is going to take many centuries. Reforestation schemes are and example by replanting the original flora identifying the area as a preserve or trust area the hope is that by the turn of the next millenium some of the natural canopy will have regenerated and provide homes for native fauna. Creating clean water environments for native fish stocks are another example.
It's not much but it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to our survival.
South Australia also has the Monarto Zoological Park, which is a 1,000 hectare park about 70km south-east of Adelaide.
Other News:
I just found this quote and thought it hilarious appalling:
The bill for the destruction of the infrastructure of Iraq must be sent to the US Congress and the UK Parliament and not fobbed off to either UN multilateralism or to Iraqi oil revenues
that's gonna be FO HUGE F bill!
Puts £23 to Blueyonder into proportion.
Edit: ranty so wf
OK so "care workers" who threaten me in my home, I'm gonna take a stand and say they're not good.
Bother bother bother...£23.00 and £0 cash.
I wish wish wish my Father were rich enough to cover the MASSIVE expense.
re: Courtesy call from Blueyonder.
Should this be in Natter? Blueyonder is an UnAmerican isp so...?
Zoe, remember how yesterday I asked you to cut down on the serial postage? It really does make the thread difficult to follow when the same person is every other post in a thread and then several more in a row. Even if the thread is quiet-- doesn't mean you have to be the one making noise in it.
I'm trying not to be rude, but this is something you do a lot, and it's gotten progressively less easy to ignore.
AND I gave him my real password.
Sigh. Okay. You know what's even more rude than doing something you'd been asked not to do the day before? Ignoring the person who asked you the day before when they remind you of what they asked you the day before.
Dammit. I really shouldn't be getting all het up about this, but it's very frustrating when I make an effort to be polite, and I'm razzed for it.
Zoe, did you mean to be really rude to Holli there? I mean, it looks pretty damn rude, so if that was your intention - well, it worked.
If not, maybe you could clarify?