Zoe, I'm very very rarely in the show threads because I quite like to have some surprises, even though I'm fairly spoiled. I play the catchup game by reading old posts (the ones posted in the post'n'watch frenzy via the links Nilly so kindly provides) after I've seen the shows on Sky One, but I tend not to go into them other than that.
Jim, you sound about as good at posting things as me.
Actually, no. Quite a lot better. I suck, as various Buffistas will tell you. Me and post offices are like, eh, two not-meety things.
...I'm not here, by the way. No sir. I'm working. Really.
Shinola is stuff you shine your shoes with!
Is it? I'd kind of decided it should be, 'cause that's what it
like it ought to be, but it's nice to have it confirmed.
runs back to get on with big damn pile of
bloody important
worky work.
To me it sounded more like one of those old hair pomades.
I never new there was a non-post office-y option, is there a non-post offic-y option?
I can't come in here to cry after reading the Angel thread where can I go?
Post Offices aren't so scary, you just need to remember yourself stand up straight and still, don't slouch, take your hands out your pockets, speak clearly...oh.
Edited for extra comment strath (/) wry humour.
The Angel thread. This thread is for those in benighted 3rd World countries like the UK and Oz who don't get to see 1st run shows. We really try not to discuss anything newer than has been shown in Oz.
I hate the PO. But the only other option is to weigh stuff yourself.
Oz is pretty much up to date with the US.
Or am I missing the point?
Oz is ahead of the US?
Edited for clarity.
Oz is pretty much up to date with the US.
I'm really pretty sure that's not true.
Oz isn't even in the US. (cue off-key rimshot) I think the other hemispheres tend to be about a season or half a season behind the US.