You know, in theory I will try anything. The weirder the better. But somehow I never could bring myself to try a deep fried mars bar. It seemed too much like just eating lard by the spoonful. But friends have assured me they're nice. (Although they were very very pissed at the time)
this is a turnip and its flesh is white. these are swedes and their flesh is orange. this, according to Google, is a rutabaga. Which is, so the site assures us, essentially a cross between a turnip and a cabbage.
It's like root vegetable slash.
Lard by the spoonfull is a strict health diet compared to Deep Fried Mars Bar wickedness.
One per lifetime is the recommended dosage for the above.
these are swedes and their flesh is orange. this, according to Google, is a rutabaga. Which is, so the site assures us, essentially a cross between a turnip and a cabbage.
You'll note that they look exactly the same.
"The name comes from the Swedish rotabagge, which is why this vegetable is also called a Swede or Swedish Turnip."
Yeah, rutabagas are just really big (and concomitantly more grain-y) turnips. Purple on top, off-white to downright yellow all around.
Like beets, if beets had had the everliving shit scared out of them. Only more fibrous.
And DX solves a mystery...
I have heard of deep fried mars bars. I'd first heard of them from a friend studying in scotland, but then they became big things at state fairs, here. SO tempting sounding, but I'm afraid eating one would make my heart stop. Gawd.
SO tempting sounding, but I'm afraid eating one would make my heart stop
That's how I feel about it. Only without the tempting.
(Mind you, I had a Sticky Toffee Pudding
to die for
this afternoon. Really. So it's not like I'm the poster child for healthy eating, here.)
Hah. Yer aall a bunch of ninnies. ;-)
I don't like fake meats, usually, but I seem to have a different definition than other people. To me, seitan and tofu are not fake meats. They are foods in and of themselves. Tofurkey is fake meat. Smart Dogs are not, because they're imitating the form of a hot dog, not the form of a cow. Vegetarian salmon is fake meat (and rather scary-looking.)
So, pretty much, the fake meats I don't like are the ones that are trying to look like something that's obviously meat. When you're imitating something processed like hot dogs or nuggets, it doesn't bother me. (Now that I think about it, I suppose that this reasoning might be because I'd eaten tofu plenty of times before I became a vegetarian, sometimes in dishes that also included meat, so I don't really see it as a substitute for people that won't eat meat, but as something in it's own right.)
I like fake meats, and did even when I was a practicing vegetarian.
But the seitan I like best is marketed as "mock duck", and textured accordingly.