When the Republican congresspersons were annoyed with Tom Daschle yesterday, they did everything but shout "Cheese-eating Froggy bastard!")
Tom DeLay (Republican House Whip) said "Fermez la bouche, Monseiur Daschle!" I'll bet Daschle goes to the House cafeteria and says, in his best orating voice, "I'd like some
toast, please!"
Ooh, I HOPE he does that.
Just popping in to let the Canadians know that next time Mexico wants to invade you we ain't stoppin em ANY MORE.
Just remember where you get your perscription drugs on the cheap, missy!
Soon, your signs will be in THREE languages!
Mexico's invasion will end when they hit winter, and they realize it's much better to be down south in January. We're like Russia that way.
Just popping in to let the Canadians know that next time Mexico wants to invade you we ain't stoppin em ANY MORE.
My dad came home the other night and was making noise about "see if we keep protecting you now, Canada." I pointed out that Canada isn't exactly in any danger and he responded "they will be if
protecting them!"
Cheese-eating Froggy bastard!
That's cheese-eating surrender monkey, thank you very much.
Also, I've been trawling for Firefly in the UK stuff, and while not specific, this is interesting for general US-shows-in-the-UK stuff.
Boomtown is 10-o-clock Tuesdays C5, Am-Chau.