I don't get here often, so I'm days behind. jimi, who was Andy Hallett in Hush?
He can be glimpsed in the opening scene, as part of the class watching Riley and Buffy's "demonstration".
Joss wanted to really fill the lecture room for that dream sequence, so he roped in everyone he could, including everyone in the production office. Andy happened to be there at the time, so he was shoved in a seat. The two best views of him are when you have the two profile shots of Riley leaning back against the wall. You'll see a blonde woman and a brunette and he's sitting "between" them in the row behind.
The BBFC (film censors) said that adding the Black/Geller thing would bump the DVD from a 12a to a 15. So they left it off.
I read that Ian McKellen's hoping PJ puts the French & Saunders parody on the TTT disc. I remember that as much raunchier than the MTV. We shall see, I suppose.
What's the rating of the US disc?
I'd sure like to know what is happening at Channel 7. They've just started screening a new show at 10:30PM on Tuesday and Wednesday. It's called
American Embassy
and from the opening credits I can see it's about the US embassy in London, plus they've started advertising
Joe Millionaire
as "coming soon" but there has been no mention of Buffy or Angel. Meanwhile, over on 10 they're plugging the hell out of
What the hell is going through Seven's collective pea-brains?
Wait, they're actually running American Embassy? I don't think it lasted more than a couple of episodes here.
Ah, that explains why I'd never heard of it before now
why they're running it now. They probably only have half-a-dozen eps, so it'll be finished in time for the time Buffy and Angel will probably start -- late Feb / early March. ::fingers crossed::
You know this gives me some hope that you guys will get to see Firefly.
Yeah, American Embassy I watched the first ep of, I think, but no more--but it was gone really quickly...
TV Guide says six episodes were made, and three have been aired here so far. I've been quite enjoying it, even as I resist becoming too invested because of the whole no future thing.
What's the rating of the US disc?
In the US, most DVDs carry the rating of the movie when it was in theaters (in this case, PG-13), and just say something to the effect "supplementary material not rated".