Love this, Victor. I hope we get more soon.
Two typos:
landed on his feet, dropping a small capsule has he landed.
“That hurt, you Wanna-Creature of the Night!”
Wanna be?
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Love this, Victor. I hope we get more soon.
Two typos:
landed on his feet, dropping a small capsule has he landed.
“That hurt, you Wanna-Creature of the Night!”
Wanna be?
And suddenly Xander is the guy with the knowledge! Yay, Xander.
Heh. Lee catches me on this stuff all the time: the first is actual typo, the second is joke that's just not working. Will think of better Buffy banter there.
And suddenly Xander is the guy with the knowledge! Yay, Xander.
The idea of Xander being more Giles than Giles in the D.C. Universe seemed kind of fitting.
Alas, I suspect there will be no Nightwing, here.
It's a professional hazard I am afraid, Victor. I used to edit, and now I am expected to catch attorney typos.
Also, alas, Batman/Planetary had all the best Batman jokes.
Batman and Jakita Wagner exchange blows, and Batman pulls out two batarangs.
Jakita: Tell me you're single!
The Drummer: Look! There's some kind of transvestite hooker coming down the alley at us!
Elijah (to Jakita): You like him, don't you? He's your special bat friend.
and now I am expected to catch attorney typos.
Oooh. My sympathies. (:
OK, this is buggering annoying. Me and my research fetish. I'm working on a fic set in the Papal Court in 1498. I had a large role for the Swiss Guard. However, the Swiss Guard wasn't formed until 1506. I'd leave it as Swiss Guard, except I know that there's at least one other person out there who would go, "Stupid writer, you've got the Swiss Guard in there eight years too early, I cannot read this fic." Not nearly as fun, calling them Papal Guard.
such a first world problem.
Suddenly, there was a sudden movement beside her as a fist slammed against her head.
Victor, this one line needs fixing, I think. Two "suddenly"s in short order, and the result-action reads a bit weirdly. A sudden movement *and* a fist slammed against her head.
Gah. I leave my fic alone for awhile, and suddenly I forget where I was going with it.
My inspiration, *poof* it is gone.
Time to reread, try to recall, see if it all comes flowing back.
P.S. Victor? Loving the Buffy/JLA crossover. Double-loving with cookies, actually.
I've committed fic for another ficathon again. This latest one was more crafted than anything fic-related I've ever done before, more thoughtful choices, less riding the muse like a runaway train. Not porny because porn is pretty easy for me and I wanted to be challenged to write something gripping that didn't have sex in it. I've been stuck on the original fiction because of what I think of as a glass boundary between what I'm writing and what it ought to be. I can see it, but I can't quite get there. So, I wrote this fic with that in mind, sort of letting go and falling forward through the barrier. I really think it's better than a lot of things I've written. Unfortunately, I'm also not sure I have the clarity of vision to judge it properly. It could be over-blown drivel (something like this post, in fact). I'd like the opinion of anyone who wants to provide it. The fic is here: