Whoa. Deena, that cooked.
You nearly hooked me in there forever with that line about when did life get bleaker than a movie about Viet Nam?
'Get It Done'
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Whoa. Deena, that cooked.
You nearly hooked me in there forever with that line about when did life get bleaker than a movie about Viet Nam?
Beautifully written, like all your stuff. I think my nerves are a little too raw, though, to appreciate hopelessness right now.
She did turn him. She was peeved because it wasn't the terror/sadness that made him choose to be turned, but the Willow-love that did it.
Do I need to make that more explicit? I thought it was obvious when he drank her blood.
Thanks Deb. I'm glad to know it worked for you. That's good. Feeling relieved.
Connie, sorry. This may be a hard day for hopelessness. It's wishverse, though! It all goes back to normal soon!
I thought it was obvious when he drank her blood.
It seemd obvious, but V!Willow's reaction didn't connect with me. I'm blaming the fog in my head. It does make sense, her being peeved at not getting to scare him more. It would be interesting to see them after he wakes.
That was really good Deena. Definitely sounded like Xander. This is gonna sound like a weird request, but would somebody who's gonna be at f2f be the corpse for my Homicide/ Buffista RPF? I wouldn't, but with the location, I can't resist. Must introduce FrankNTim to Too Much Candy.(I promise somebody will be torn up that you're dead.) I'm going to Hell, aren't I? And not even special hell. Just the regular one, with Strom Thurmond, and Robert McNamara(whenever he kicks off, mind you.)
Erika, you should post that request in the F2F thread. I sometimes think you, connie, Deb and I are the only regular readers of this one and I really want to read your RPF.
Erika, I might be willing ... as long as I don't hafta DIE or anything strenuous.
Nope,your death would happen off-screen, in best H:LOTS tradition. Detectives would just find you dead...somewhere TBD. It's A Very Buffista Redball. A redball being a case that attracts huge scrutiny, and media. Crazy leather pants clad out of towners in a cult that lick each other=paydirt
ah, then, I'm much too boring - middle-aged white female, no record, nada.
On the other hand, I did watch H:LotS when it was on.
And last week, Arch Campbell (local entertainment reporter for NBC) was interviewing various L&O cast members. He was interviewing Munch who said that H:LotS was like great sex and should have gone on forever. L&O he compared to foreplay (I'm paraphrasing).
That Belzer. But you know, I think he's right. By the time you get into a L&0 story it's over...