That would be a Munch dream come true...except. And, infiltration is probably his second favorite -ation ever. And, pretty. And smart. And scary. A Munchkin trifecta...
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Precisement. Go get 'em!
I considered for a moment, as I paced the dealership’s now-deserted parking area.
During my brief stint in lefty journalism, during which I was an unmitigated disaster, we used to talk about “comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable”. Which, because I had more passion than sense, I took to mean submitting six-page reviews of Hunter Thompson books...two hours late.
They were things of beauty, even if I was too herbally enhanced to appreciate the concept of “deadlines” and “news holes”. I quit after that, but not before I called my friend and editor, Larry, a “censoring, fascist, asshole.” Most people don’t take writing “New in Paperback” that seriously, I understand.
I’m not most people. I’d stopped believing in second chances a long time ago, but I was more than willing to afflict Ms. Morgan. Over and over.Maybe until she screamed.
“Can I see it?” I asked.
“See what?”Her voice sounded like she had her hands on her hips even though she was standing perfectly still and straight. Maybe she did know a few things about me.
“The attache case full of money. What did you think I meant? Every back room deal has one, babe.”
“I’m not your babe. And I’d never travel around with that much cash.’
“You’re awfully picky for somebody who wants dirty work done, *Ms* Morgan.” I said, “How do you know I’m not taping this?”
“It’s not just me,” she said, in a smaller voice. “It’s the senior partners...They...” But she seemed to think better of it and came on like a dragon lady again. “My rules. Are you coming or not?
It occurred to me that over the last weeks I’d taken a lot of orders from women.But I got in the car anyway.
I’d stopped believing in second chances a long time ago, but I was more than willing to afflict Ms. Morgan. Over and over.Maybe until she screamed.
Oh. my. God. I wish Roz Kaveney had seen H:LOTS (I've been pimping it like a mad fuck and she's been pimping "The Bill" to me with equal frenzy), because she would love this thing with Lilah.
Really? Roz is a good writer.Of course, you find the dirty part. But, it's Munch...what's not the dirty part? (But he's still not one-note, which I think is the coolest. Compare to say Medavoy on Blue whose role is squadroom schlemiel. He's supposed to be a dork and then we laugh. I could no more imagine Medavoy clearing a case than I could me earning money as a jockey. ) But Lilah, as it turns out, is one of the women that would keep me from putting down that I'm completely het. She could cause pile-ups on the street, I think. And I think the Munchkin could have 27 girlfriends and still find some other random woman hot. There's somebody somewhere writing Bill/Homicide but it made zippo sense because I'd never seen "The Bill". This was sad because otherwise it was Timmy goes to England...two great tastes that taste great together.
There's Homicide/Bill?
Holy SHIT. Angela mia, if you find it, link me up, so I can point Roz its way, please?
Yeah, babe, about sixteen parts worth...don't remember the writer's name...will Google it for you/ her. I live to serve. I was like "Who with the what, now?" But near as I can make out, a case brought Bayliss to London. My mom is like "You promote that show so much, Fontana should hire you."
Hey, it's worth promoting.
And you do it so very well.
Oh. my. DEAR. Lord.
A friend just sent me some West Wing fic she wrote.
Slash. Three-way.
The President, Leo McGarry, and Lord John Marbury.
I'm laughing so hard I hurt myself.
My guess is all those missionary genes took a funky turn on me.I found it...thought it was gonna give me The Nightmare,but I did. It's called "The Scarlet and the...Grey?"(yeah, I hate the question mark, too. Wacky Brits) Author's name is Kay S. [link] There are nine parts. Happy pimping! whew, at least I didn't make it up...I was starting to doubt myself. My lj comes up when you google "Homicide crossovers", fyi. Does Lilah smoke?