Hey, it's worth promoting.
And you do it so very well.
Spike ,'Sleeper'
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Hey, it's worth promoting.
And you do it so very well.
Oh. my. DEAR. Lord.
A friend just sent me some West Wing fic she wrote.
Slash. Three-way.
The President, Leo McGarry, and Lord John Marbury.
I'm laughing so hard I hurt myself.
My guess is all those missionary genes took a funky turn on me.I found it...thought it was gonna give me The Nightmare,but I did. It's called "The Scarlet and the...Grey?"(yeah, I hate the question mark, too. Wacky Brits) Author's name is Kay S. [link] There are nine parts. Happy pimping! whew, at least I didn't make it up...I was starting to doubt myself. My lj comes up when you google "Homicide crossovers", fyi. Does Lilah smoke?
Munch POV:
It was one of those couch-on-wheels jobs. If I hadn’t been so keyed up, it might have been a pleasant ride. Lilah carried a small purse, big enough for money, keys, and tampons(You have enough wives, you learn these things.) “You’re not smoking in here,” I said. Muscle should have some rights.
“I don’t smoke. But why should you care? You can’t get cancer.: She pulled out an expensive lipstick in a gold case and outlined her gorgeous lips with it. When she pressed them together I felt weak for the first time in my unlife...those faces women make when they fix their makeup are almost unbearably sensuous(Which doesn’t explain the Kay thing. But what can I say, I’m a riddle, wrapped in an enigma wearing a negligee.)
“So, you’re a lawyer, that makes you an expert on vampire lungs? I didn’t notice your epidemiology background on that business card, Ms. Morgan Esquire. And before you get all beautiful(and my God, isn’t she. To myself, I say this) we have to talk terms.”
“At Wolfram and Hart, we believe in being prepared.”
“Smart philosophy.”(Is she as turned on as I am?)
“Last week some Krevloch demons attacked a strip mall in Century City. Word on the street is that Angel hasn’t been seen with his ‘firm’ in some time...we don’t know where he is, or there’d be another pile of dust for you to clean up.(I can’t believe I’m hot for a woman that makes finger quotes. I hate finger quotes. But she has beautiful hands.)
“Krevloch. Big, hairy, stupid, hard to cover up. But that’s hardly a surprise this close to the Sunnydale demonic convergence...right?” Noticing her surprised expression, I continue “I make it my business to be aware of stories ignored by the mainstream media.Some call it a hobby...I think of it as being...prepared.”
“The fact that this demon showed up isn’t the mystery. How were they able to kill it?”
“Someone else in his crew?”
“Yeah, but it’d have to be somebody new...because Wesley? I’m tougher than Wesley.”
And several Middle Eastern heads of state, I thought, but didn’t say.
“And the money? Cause I want to roll around in it. You’re welcome to join me, of course.”
“Lindsey has it.Back at the office.”
“Is she as pretty as you?”
“Angel thinks so.”
“Is she as pretty as you?”
“Angel thinks so.”
Loving erika soooo much right now.
Thank you...that subtext was so powerful, even I couldn't miss it. And my gaydar's for shit.
omigodomigod, loving this. What Kat said. erika, your wives are proud of you.
“Yeah, but it’d have to be somebody new...because Wesley? I’m tougher than Wesley.”
And several Middle Eastern heads of state, I thought, but didn’t say.
The cat in my lap is wondering why I'm shaking. I don't want to startle him by cracking up - it's Gadabout, and he's pushing 15 years old.
I love to keep my wives happy. Hmm, maybe Kay and Lilah will go head to head.
Kay and Lilah will go head to head
I was already taking this one as given. Kay wouldn't be the least bit awed by taking on Lilah on her turf, at W&H.
No, not in the least.She was ready to take on Lorne when she didn't know what he was. And willing to look Vamp!Munchkin in the face, even if they are too well-acquainted for her bluff to have worked. Credentials..ftt. "Do I look like I give a shit?" What are some things that Kay would try to change about how AI works? I mean, I think she'd put up a board. And bust Cordy for reading Variety at work, and painting her nails when it's slow. Maybe bring somebody down to the firing range.ETA: And she's ready to confront Angel about being a bad lieutenant, bloodsucker or not.