I don't get Buffy. I've never been chosen for shit. For good or ill.(unless you believe that whole new age your soul picks your body thing, which I probably don't.) She's great, but I can't get inside of it. Deb, did Ripper sound ok? Since you guys went to school together and everything?
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Ripper was very close to perfect. You got the "right, then, I'm not an Oxford ponce, I'm from Stepney Comprehensive and I'm the bloke who gets hard down the pub and then waits for you in the alley after Chelsea beats Manchester City one-nil" swagger down cold.
Heh. And it's all bullshit.("I've never been to England. But I kind of like the Beatles.." (It's bullshit for Ripper too, but he's not ready to deal just yet...to busy pretending to "keep it real") Guess my All English All The Time music playlist while writing that helped. Go me!
It's complete bullshit for Rupert Giles. Ripper is just the Mister Hyde thing he slips on when his well-bred overeducated Watcher persona gets too heavy for him.
It's complete bullshit for Rupert Giles. Ripper is just the Mister Hyde thing he slips on when his well-bred overeducated Watcher persona gets too heavy for him.
Perfect. I know that thing. Some of my friends think of me as having this tough scots-working class-hardman core that should not be screwed with. That's my old man. I just do a plausible impression for the gullible.
Cause as we know "Everybody has a dark side," Click. Another Buffy/LOTS connection.(And no, unlike Munch, I don't make people listen to this stuff. Much.) And he is afraid to turn into his father, like Xander, who brings us back to Tim again.Well, JohnSw, if it's not obvious, I find myself susceptible to that brand of bullshit.And Cindy, I wish I could put this on TV...I could not do worse than 95% of the writers. Maybe someday. One rule: No chick parts. No women that exist to rub the hero's shoulders and chop zucchini....they could do that, but not as a life goal. Someday.
Not really here. No really, I'm not. I just snuck in to catch up in the short threads and I'm missing all of you so fierce, I just had to speak up and tell you I love this discussion, and I love you guys for having it.
gone now. really.
choppin' broccoleeee
Thanks. And you know the scene, right? HERO comes home from a hard day to find his WIFE has started dinner, you know, to ease his load. Actually, I gave up Blue when they made Sylvia chop his broccoli, too. Variation: What are you still doing up? It's 3am. Sigh. (Not that broccoli or insomnia don't happen, but you know the scenes I mean...right?)
you know the scenes I mean...right?
"Hi, darling. Glad you're safe home. Like my new teddy? (twirls) I think it's the perfect thing with which to seduce my many-layered and densely written husband-character, before heading back to my own job as a Second Assistant Public Defender and/or ER doctor, specialising in pediatrics. But wait, let me dish you up some dinner first - what are you - ooooh, fade to commercial!"
They really ought to provide air sickness bags for those.
"Yeah. I love that you're deep dear. We have hardwood floors. Won't somebody think of the children?"See everybody but SS that Kevin Costner ever acted with, ever. Why I mostly hate Domestic K/M. She gives him too many backrubs...without getting one back.