But Buffy doesn't know that Faith died -- I mean, yeah, Rona was called as the next Slayer, but then Faith turns up on the doorstep. And everyone is clearly confused, not putting 2 and 2 together, not even for the (untrue) explanation that Faith died and was brought back.
I guess I'm not getting the Scoobs not putting 2 + 2 together, because even Cordelia got it back in the day, when Faith first turned up.
The Scoobs would get it. The Potentials? Not so much.
Being newbies, and all.
Oh, the potentials wouldn't, but the moment one of them was called, Buffy would know.
the moment one of them was called, Buffy would know.
Nonono - what I meant was, if Faith showed up on the front porch and rang the bell and, say, the nice Chinese potential with the flashcard monsters and the lactose intolerance who doesn't speak a word of English happened to open the door.....
She'd have good manners and stand aside and she wouldn't anything at all because Buffy doesn't know how to say "beware of dead Slayer posing as vampire" in either Cantonese or Mandarin.
Steph? Would that work for you? Dawn could do her shriek and Xander his book-wave as they all converge on the living room.
You know, that might work really well.
Someone stop me from signing up for the Lindsey Torture fic group.
Someone stop me from signing up for the Lindsey Torture fic group.
I wanna watch....
Steph, post when done, please.