the moment one of them was called, Buffy would know.
Nonono - what I meant was, if Faith showed up on the front porch and rang the bell and, say, the nice Chinese potential with the flashcard monsters and the lactose intolerance who doesn't speak a word of English happened to open the door.....
She'd have good manners and stand aside and she wouldn't anything at all because Buffy doesn't know how to say "beware of dead Slayer posing as vampire" in either Cantonese or Mandarin.
Steph? Would that work for you? Dawn could do her shriek and Xander his book-wave as they all converge on the living room.
You know, that might work really well.
Someone stop me from signing up for the Lindsey Torture fic group.
Someone stop me from signing up for the Lindsey Torture fic group.
I wanna watch....
Steph, post when done, please.
You betcha. I'll have to tinker with it tomorrow, b/c I need sleep now. I have to get up early tomorrow for a chiropractor appointment, which is a priority these days.
I think it'll be squeaky Vi who opens the door...
Heh. I can see VampFaith mentally earmarking the squeaky kid for a midnight snack.
(Can we give her Kennedy too? Huh? Can we? Pretty please?)
Steph, loved it. Something sort of ironic--I "heard" Faith speaking your dialogue--and she had her old accent.
SA, I really liked Donuts, too. One nitpick, however. Giles would never ever, except in extremis, clean his glasses on his shirt. He--at least at the time when he was the school librarian and dressed in a suit--always had a clean handkerchief for just such a purpose.
ed. for punct.