feel like putting recommended music in with this.
But I won't.
A short note at the end of a piece saying "I was listening to such and such" would be lovely - Charles de Lint does that pretty often with his novels. Just please please please don't go the route of "during this particular scene, you MUST be listening to track X on CD blah" ...
... why yes, I once read and reviewed a novel that did just that. Said novel STILL holds the slot of "Worst Thing I've Ever Read. Ever."
Grey! Yes, I've always spelled it with an "e". I got self conscious about it a while ago and tried to fix it, but now I'm going to claim it as a printed dialect of my home region.
I will use "gotten" in speech, but I avoid writing it except in dialogue. I wonder if it comes from "forgotten" somehow, rootwise.
wondering about the connection betrween "forget" and "get"
See - not cute. Spinstery professorial humourless type. C'est moi.
I have
failed to do any of the essay writing that I urgently needed to do today. I have prevaricated, prevaricated, prevaricated. I have made myself new User Icons for my LJ. I have fannied about.
I am an
Fay, was "gotten" ever used in the UK? I had the feeling it evolved on its own from everyday American usage.
Which is, as it happens, NOT a value judgement. I use US street slang and have a hiphop daughter. Yo!
But it's archaic UK usage. Ditto normalcy
Is normalcy actually archaic, or was it never picked up in common use? As I said, it's a recent word. Normality pre-dates it, IIRC.
It's probably only common here because of Warren G. Harding, to be honest.
I have fannied about.
A polite spinstery etc, no less.
Stop that arsing about!
It's probably only common here because of Warren G. Harding, to be honest.
I'll tell you what, taken out of context? That quote is purely spectacular.
Fay, was "gotten" ever used in the UK? I had the feeling it evolved on its own from everyday American usage.
I think so - but I'm basing this on recollections of a paragraph in one of Bill Bryson's books, which I read five or six years ago. So I may be talking pants.
Spinstery professorial humourless type. C'est moi.
Oh, dear, someone's switched out the mirrors in Fay's house again. Who stole the one that shows her as the "hotter than thou", unappreciated vixed that she is?
I think so - but I'm basing this on recollections of a paragraph in one of Bill Bryson's books, which I read five or six years ago. So I may be talking pants.
bites back urge to wiggle brows and ask the lovely lady if she's wearing any...