Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Good lord, did I call her blue-eyed? She's a nice brown-eyed girl. (must go find that and smack myself.)
Well, they're not brown, either. More a light greenish-greyish-beigeish.
Not that I've spent a good deal of time obsessing over this, or anything. As a result, though, I make a point of never mentioning her what colour her eyes are. Because I'd go nuts. (More people should have easy to describe things. Me, I've got hair of mahogany wine, pale linen skin, and eyes like polished chips of nephrite jade.)
(But my singing voice is a joke, and my cats hate me, so it's all good.)
Heh. And I'm an ageing redhead with dirty green eyes, both original packaging, both fading even as we speak.
I did find the spot - As I say, I was envisioning the meezers. it's amazing, we have 13 cats, and only one of them has blue eyes, and her name is? You guessed it. Buffy.
Willow, her sister, is coal black, a true black cat.
I always think of hazel as brown-eyed, even if they're to the green side. Once you get into the true browns, my heart starts going pitter-patter....
My eyes are gray-green-blue hazel. But my husband has melty brown eyes.
Does Xander have brown eyes? Hmm, might explain why I love him so.
In related news, I finished my remix story! I'm going going to send it to Am and SA for a beta and I'll post it here as soon as it's ready.
Ah. Willow's are more of a true hazel, Buffy's are more of that "gets-lumped-in-with-hazel" shade. Which is a hard shade to explain.
Deb, I really enjoyed that. I've found that very few original characters work for me, but Amanda is very compelling. I'd like to read more about her.
Insent to Am and SA and Trudy. SA, I didn't know which address was valid, so I sent it to both that I have... Which those are I do not recall.
I have a blue-eyed Nicholas. I had another Nicholas a long time ago, with chocolate melty brown eyes that took up half his face. I like both.
I took any reference to eye colour out of there (Pensioner).
Steph, I was given all the guidelines for writing Buffyfic and Angelfic from the publishers, but one of the main reasons I declined (other than a complete non-grasp of most of the slang and pop culture references that might be used) was my total incapabaility when it comes to drafting reality-clothes to fit someone else's characters. I like doing originals to interact with the existing.
I wish I didn't suck at porn. That would be damned fun to write, Buffyporn. Ahhhhhh, Giles and Ethan and early Angel-on-the-edge, oh my.
The porn comes with practice!
Honest to dog! Well, you know, assuming that them what have said that my stuff's okay aren't lying to me, practice does seem to help.
I suspect my crapitude at porn is because I want to go for the elegant and understated. Which works ok for the real-world fiction I get (occasionally) paid to write, but for porn? I think not so much with the elegant understatement.
I don't know. Understated and elegant is, well, erotica.
I tend to do a lot of understated sex writing. I'm not sure how erotic any of it is, because I'm the one writing it, of course. (Or, like right now, failing to write it.)