Act II
Interior: grocery store. Camera swoops down the aisles and comes to a
door marked "Employees Only". Inside, it's very dark. A clerk sits on the
floor in a circle of candles . There is a zucchini in front of him.
Clerk: Goddess Anhedonia! Grant me the power to screw with people's
heads with the Zucchini of Despair!
There is a blue flash.
Clerk: I feel powerful... Yet... What's the fucking point, really
(Bursts into tears).
He picks up the zucchini and exits, sobbing the entire time.
Cut to:
Buffy, pushing a cart in the produce aisle.
Buffy: Vegetables. Dawn needs to eat vegetables. And I must supply them...
Buffy passes a pile of zucchinis and stops, as if mesmerized.
Buffy: Vegetables...
She picks up a zucchini.
CU: Her eyes widen. Camera pans down the aisles. They are empty, or so it appears to Buffy.
Interior: Summers' kitchen.
Buffy is slumped in the chair, rocking back and forth. Buffy's face is covered in tears and large glassy eyes.
Buffy: I couldn't do it. There was nothing.
Spike and Willow exchange a look.
Cut to Spike and Willow in the living room.
Spike: We have to.
Willow: It seems wrong...
Spike: You saw her. You saw what it did to her.
Willow: It was partly your fault.
Spike: And partly yours.
Willow: You're right. We have to fix it. We have to save Buffy's breakfast. Whatever it takes!
Cut to:
Exterior: Casa Summers. Pan to the neighbours' house.
Interior: Neighbours' house.
3 people, students by the look of it, are puttering around the kitchen. One of then wanders into the living room. It's a peaceful domestic scene until:
Neighbour #1: Dude! Thers is a naked guy on our lawn!
Cut to:
Exterior: Neighbour's lawn. 3 astonished people are looking at a naked Spike on their lawn. (Spike is not on fire because he is in the shadow of the lawn tree. Let's make that really clear. Overexpose, underexpose, dye the film with Manic Panic--I don't care, just make sure it's a really dark shadow).
Spike grins and emits a whistle.
Cut to:
Willow, lurking at the back if the neighbours' house. She hears Spike's whistle and opens the door. The door is unlocked in accordance with Sunnydale tradition. Willow scurries around the neighbours' kitchen, stealing food. There are excited voices on the lawn but we don't hear what they are saying.
Cut to:
Interior: Summers' kitchen.
A pile of food before Buffy. She continues to cry. Camera pans down her face, to her hands and we can see that she's still clutching the zuccchini.