I would go to Bimini and take her place, but I don't know if Raoul is prepared to midwife. Hmmm, still, Bimini.
'Out Of Gas'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
yes, carpet, ugly carpet, I think.
Something tells me Plei's contemplating the possibilities of rug burn. Ouch.
And, no, sorry, no idea.
I think it is. Standard apartment carpet. Grey, I think, but it was dark so maybe that was just my perception.
definitely dark, either gray or that sorta institutional brownish, and yes, it was dark, hard to tell.
Can anyone tell me how long after "Wrecked" Dawn kept the cast on?
Dark grey, slight pattern to the weave.
No rug burn. Just a little something.
Exactly 500 words of S4 AtS ficcage up in the LJ. Finished. Complete. Not my usual pairing. Warnings, etc, at the top.
Good voice, Plei.
Connie, you're going to break me with Alive!Joyce. Sniff. In a good way, I mean.
I'm posting this for Anya G. I figured this was the best place to put it.
"Eat Healthy", a BTVS episode
TV Guide summary: Things come to a dark pass when there is no breakfast because Willow accidentally inhaled the pancake mix. An already-burdened Buffy struggles with the effects of the Zucchini of Despair.
Act I
Exterior: Sleepy streets of Sunnydale. Morning. A wolf howls mournfully in the distance.
Cut to:
CU of sleeping Buffy. She wakes up, opens her eyes and bursts into tears.
Cut to:
Willow, sitting cross legged on the kitchen counter, chanting.
Willow: I'm happy. I want to embrace the world... (her chanting grows more urgent) I want to tickle the world... (now frantic) I want to bite it! I want to take it all in!
A near by box of pancake mix starts to open.
Willow: (frenzied) I want to TAKE IT ALL IN! (gasps)
Pancake mix flies out of the box and into Willow's nose.
Willow: AAACHEEW! (beat) Oops.
Cut to:
Buffy: I... wanted some pancakes... It hurts Willow. It hurts that you inhaled the mix.
Willow: Buffy. I'm so sorry. I'll never forgive myself. Never, Buffy.
Buffy is silent. Struggles with herself. Willow watches her stony face while nervously eating the newspaper.
Buffy: OK. We'll have eggs.
Buffy takes eggs out if the fridge and turns, eggs in her hand. Willow opens the cupboards under the sink to throw the pancake box in the garbage bag there.
Spike: (popping out of the garbage bag): Hey! I'm trying to sleep!
Slow motion: Buffy gasps and lets go of the eggs. They crash on the floor.
Slow motion: Willow turns around and drops the empty box. It falls to the ground with a thud, like the fall of a coffin into a previously empty grave.
Buffy: (Staring into space) I saw them. I saw the eggs fall. They just slipped...
Willow: Buffy...
Buffy: They were perfect. Smooth. Round. Now they are nothing.
Spike: Slayer...
Buffy: I know what I have to do.
Buffy storms out of the house. Spike and Willow look at each other.
Worried. Bereft. Lost.