Yeah, sometimes I miss San Francisco:
Saturday, March 10th is Xenu Day International, coinciding with the birthday of L. Ron Hubbard. Events are currently being planned for San Francisco and Seattle. Interested in planning something in your town? Contact Xenu.
On Saturday March 10th 2006, all 5000 scientologists across the planet will be celebrating their own version of Christmas. Drunk aliens, stopping traffic, handing out propaganda, preaching the gospel of Xenu the Galactic Overload, will be there to greet them.
You're pretty and have shiny hair.
You know what would cheer you up? A musical!
I am willing to do quite a lot for my country, but I think that might be beyond my ability.
I'm confused. Are you saying that you like peaches, or that you don't?
shrift is pretty, oh so pretty!
shrift, what about a musical starring shirtless, hunky Canadians? And you are very pretty and sloungetastic.
tzikeh started it.
It would be a suitable revenge if I took up mime just so she could never hold my random comments against me.
shrift, what about a musical starring shirtless, hunky Canadians?
Depends. What's it called? And can I watch it on mute if I need to?
It would be a suitable revenge if I took up mime just so she could never hold my random comments against me.
I tried to defend you a little. It's there in the chat log. Also, I knew that I live far away and you wouldn't be able to kill me immediately.