Good morning, merry peoples.
I'll be calling my dad later to see how he's doing. He sounded so tired yesterday. I hope all the big bad drugs have allowed him to perk up. He is kinda pissed he'll be missing playing tennis and dominoes this week, so I know he's still the same old guy, i.e. my father.
It may or may not be a Christian retaliation against the Darwin fish.
What else could it be?
I hate all the fish except the first one without anything written in it. All the others that have anything to do with Christianity (either pro or con) irritate me. Some of the others (spaghetti monster, vampire, etc) get a passing nod, but that's it. I suspect this is sort of like me only liking Christmas songs that mention Jesus.
Oh, like there's a criteria for actually following the tenets of a religion to be able to claim to believe in it, especially vocally.
DH has an aversion to putting any statements of belief on the back of a car. He's right, of course. I can insult people enough with just my driving.
I do enjoy reading bumper stickers, though.
The next person who asks me if I'm Saved is going to get an earful, believe me. Thankfully, it's rare to get asked that in New England, where it would be considered vulgar to trumpet the blessed state of your soul, lest other unsaved people feel lessened by it.
I don't do bumper stickers. Dad does and I really should get him a BLIEVE, HON one for his truck out in NM because it makes
no sense
outside of Baltimore (and not much in) and would confuse people. Which would amuse us.
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I think about the snottiest things I see are the "In case of rapture this car will be unmanned" bumper stickers.
Oh yeah, that's super eyerolly.
I realize I don't know what the fashions are in bumperstickers, due to not being in a car basically ever.
The bumperstick I see the most around here is BushCheney.
On second thought I think it is the Support the Troops bumper sticker, followed by BushCheney, with Freedom isn't Free coming in third.
I realize I don't know what the fashions are in bumperstickers, due to not being in a car basically ever.
Whenever I pick up Emmett I get the anti-Kansas full-on Berkeley lefty bumper sticker assault. In Berkeley they're not happy unless they've got eight or nine bumperstickers all clearly delineating their particular leftier-than-thouness. Radical vegetarians seem the most obnoxious. There's a lot of feminist assertions of the I'm a Badass Woman variation that are kind of eyerolly. (In the same say that I always thought Wolverine's thought balloons were about as far as you could get from real tough guy. A badass doesn't sit around thinking about how tough he is, you know?)