Thank god that they caught it before the daughter started coloring on them.
Y'know what really bugs me is the report's continual use of the word 'sketch' to describe those comic book pages. Not appropriate, not by a bloody long shot.
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Thank god that they caught it before the daughter started coloring on them.
Y'know what really bugs me is the report's continual use of the word 'sketch' to describe those comic book pages. Not appropriate, not by a bloody long shot.
Astounishing #22 is finally coming out this week.
Y'know what really bugs me is the report's continual use of the word 'sketch' to describe those comic book pages. Not appropriate, not by a bloody long shot.
Ha! GF, who is an avid comic art collector, also took issue with the word 'sketch.' She made mouth noises every time they said it in the clip.
For the Serenity RPG fans amongst us...
Hi all. This is my very first day and very first post, well on any message board anywhere actually. At the risk of just busting into anyone's conversation but can anyone explain how Anya's death so completely flew beneath our collective geek radar, while Tara's death had all of fandom wearing black armbands?
It just strikes me as, well, rather unfeminist that her rather point-blank death would elicit nothing more than a "she's such a swell gal" from her, albeit, ex-fiance. To say nothing of the rest of us.
Howdy, orkhan!
You'd probably get more response to your question here: sumi "Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!" May 29, 2007 6:36:27 pm PDT
(As this thread's where we talk about comics, Buffy and otherwise.)
But an excellent question, and one well worth chewing over, so please do head over there! (Um, yeah, I bolted over to BUFFYNANGLE and then got all sad to see no new posts there.)
Thorny gender issues in genre TV (and, as Plei has written about extensively and gorgeously, comics) are, unfortunately, a perennial. Even on marvelously feminist Buffy -- dead good guys (recurring, name-in-the-title-sequence or guesting-for-at-least-a-full-season), female division: Anya, Tara, Joyce, Jenny Calendar; dead good guys (R, NITS or GFALAFS), male division: Um. Angel, kinda, Spike, kinda.
I'd add Jonathan to that list of dead good guys. sorta.
Even though he was more the bumbling mundane with no intent to harm than a real "good" guy, I think I'd include Principal Flutie, too. After all, he was a fuzzy-headed liberal. Poor bugger.
I don't think you can really count Flutie as part of the main cast. Snyder, maybe. Not Flutie.