Jonathan, oh yes (how could I have forgotten him?), but Flutie wasn't even close to occupying the same recurring-character space as Jenny or Joyce or Tara or Anya.
Bleah. It's just...problematic. In order to level the playing/dying field, you've got to dig out really, really minor characters on one side to balance out the deeply rooted, longtime, extremely emotionally weighty characters on the other. And they really don't. And of course every death individually made perfect sense, was demanded by the narrative, increased the stakes, etc. etc. etc. But, still: Given that Joss and co. had already decided that no core characters were going to die (or, at least, die a no-takebacks no-resurrection no moving to another show Death), it's still at least mildly uncomfortable that all but one of the big heart-filled secondary characters to die were female. Of course, it's all positively hugs and puppies compared to AtS.
Ugh. This really needs to move to Buffy.