At the very least Nolan's Batman is comfortable with collateral damage. He must have killed people (including Watanabe, who he thought was Ra's at the time) when he blew up the League of Shadows. He cared about saving Liam Neeson, but not the prisoner he'd originally refused to execute, so what the hell, Bruce? In Dark Knight he wouldn't run down the Joker but he was okay with flipping the semi two minutes earlier. And in Rises he's firing machine guns from the Bat at the nuke truck. He definitely shoots the driver, and then he gets Talia to crash, which kills her.
I'm okay with most of these things (the LoS part is bananas) but I've had an ongoing argument with a friend about the Nolan movies and this is one of his issues.
Even Burton's Batman sent the Batmobile into an occupied warehouse to shoot up the joint. So yeah, movie Batman seems much more flexible about using lethal force.
So he's a vigilante who's up for anything and this gives him an edge over the Superman we saw?
I have no idea. I didn't see Superman Kills A Guy and have no interest in Superman and Batman Try To Kill Each Other. Just saying that "no kill no guns" hasn't really been an issue for the movies so far.
What I was saying is that the Batman we've been shown isn't the Batman the article was about. He is basically no kill no guns, and if the author's point is that he'd let Superman die as collateral damage then it's a pretty weak plan.
1940s Justice League movie: [link]
Would Wonder Woman v. Hulk be an interesting fight? Can they mano a mano?
The Hulk is always as strong or as weak as the plot calls for.
But is Diana?
"Some" folks are talking like once the Avengers kryptonite out Superman, the Hulk can just plow through the rest of the JLA.
DC characters have generally had wider scope/bigger-scaled powers, at least at the top tiers of heroes. If Diana can take on Superman or Orion in hand-to-hand combat (and she can), I'd think she can handle anything the Hulk can throw her way on strength and martial training alone. That's before you factor in things like flight, the magic lasso, and her more ephemeral gifts from the gods that would probably let her talk him down from a fight.
I'd say that the Martian Manhunter and the Green Lantern du jour can also bring enough raw force to bear to hold their own against the Hulk, and both have far more versatile power sets than he.
If Diana can take on Superman or Orion in hand-to-hand combat (and she can)
That was basically my thinking--she doesn't have the range of powers Supes has accumulated over the years, but she can take Kryptonian beating while dishing out Themyisciran whupass, and that's gotta count for some shit. I feel like some places (called IO9) are operating under 100% "We've got a Hulk" infallibility. Thanks for nothing, Joss. Well, thanks for some stuff, anyway.