If Diana can take on Superman or Orion in hand-to-hand combat (and she can)
That was basically my thinking--she doesn't have the range of powers Supes has accumulated over the years, but she can take Kryptonian beating while dishing out Themyisciran whupass, and that's gotta count for some shit. I feel like some places (called IO9) are operating under 100% "We've got a Hulk" infallibility. Thanks for nothing, Joss. Well, thanks for some stuff, anyway.
Stephanie Brown to appear in the New 52: [link]
No plans for Cassandra so far, from what I heard, which is very annoying.
They have apparently FINALLY gotten the rights issues straightened out and MARVEL, of all companies, is going to be reprinting
Apparently they're planning on releasing individual issues instead of going straight to trade. I'm wondering how that will play, since a) The first several issues were reprints of shorter sections from Warrior UK magazine to begin with and b) Comic storytelling has evolved since they originally came out.
So, one of the therapists at work and I did the "
?" "
geek. Geek
?" "Geek. Geek!"
"Geek!" dance, and he brought in comics for me to read. I have just started on Saga, but I read the first 3 trades of Locke and Key and am finding it fantastic.
Beware the Batman has been pulled from Cartoon Network's schedule, just like it pulled Young Justice about the same time last year.
Presumably, it's because it doesn't have the ratings/demographics for advertisers who make big buys around Christmas time.
First five pages of Sandman Overture: [link]
First five pages of Sandman Overture: [link]
Looks to be a perfect pairing of writing and art.