When the Killing Joke came out, Barbara Gordon was a fairly minor character in the DC universe. Batgirl wasn't that active in the DCU at the time as I recall. In fact she was officially retired as Batgirl a couple months before Killing Joke came out. Crippling her was roughly the equivalent of knocking off Sue Dibny - a well loved and fondly remembered character.
Batgirl was a bit more iconic, though that was in part because of her appearance on the sixties TV show.
So I'd say Killing Joke totally fridged her. What happened after that was the interesting part, when Kim Yale and John Ostrander decided to explore the character and her situation of living with a disability.
You could say that they defridged (defrosted?) her character, really exploring the implications of post-injury life and what she could make of it.
Basically, they fridged her and then she knocked the refrigerator door off its hinges from the inside.
Basically, they fridged her and then she knocked the refrigerator door off its hinges from the inside.
A good Watsonian take on her character.
"Nobody puts Babs in a corner fridge!"
Has this Doyle/Watson thing been around forever? I just heard about it the other day and now everyone is using it.
I just think it's an incredibly stupid narrative choice.
You're taking away serious, earned gravitas for the character and the Batfamily storyline. Same with reviving Jason Todd. He's more valuable narratively dead, as a failure for Batman.
If they want to streamline their continuity they should take the Dini-verse route and just extract the best elements, the most successful storylines and jetison the crappy ones.
Then you don't have to do backflips and stupid retcons to recover from really horrible storylines (like killing Stephanie Brown, or the way they botched Leslie's character).
I just heard about it the other day and now everyone is using it.
I just heard it the other day and I put it to use immediately because it's a useful concept.
Has this Doyle/Watson thing been around forever? I just heard about it the other day and now everyone is using it.
Pretty much. I've used it for a dog's age. Or longer. I dunno. Is common in my universe.
Also, as a side note, I'm tired enough that reading Doyle/Watson makes me wonder how that pairing could even WORK.
I'd probably read it, out of curiosity.
Every once in a while a sentence comes along that makes me wonder how long ago I would not have understood it.
Has this Doyle/Watson thing been around forever? I just heard about it the other day and now everyone is using it.
And this.
You could say that they defridged (defrosted?) her character
And this...or maybe Batgirl/Barbara was fridged but Oracle isn't a fridging?
You're taking away serious, earned gravitas for the character and the Batfamily storyline.
And this.