Every once in a while a sentence comes along that makes me wonder how long ago I would not have understood it.
Has this Doyle/Watson thing been around forever? I just heard about it the other day and now everyone is using it.
And this.
You could say that they defridged (defrosted?) her character
And this...or maybe Batgirl/Barbara was fridged but Oracle isn't a fridging?
You're taking away serious, earned gravitas for the character and the Batfamily storyline.
And this.
Oh, DC. You know how to get me to never leave you.
(That high-pitched noise is my Bobby Hill squee of joy.)
Is that supposed to be Harley? Because THAT'S NOT HER.
HARLEEN FRANCIS QUINZEL YOU GO PUT SOME PANTS ON RIGHT NOW, YOUNG LADY. And a blouse. And lace your damn corset properly.
Did anyone post this yet? (Looking at the time stamp, I think no.) Gail Simone talks about the Batgirl reboot: [link]
Gail Simone talks about the Batgirl reboot:
An interesting conversation as she obviously wasn't keen on the reboot and losing Oracle and has decided to stay with the 'verse and do right by Babs as best she can.
I'm so very tired of DC's stunt reboots anyway. I don't like characters coming back from the dead. I think having narrative consequences is the only way to build a story.
That said, when you have a serial story with characters that exist in some kind of stasis for decades then it becomes almost impossible to work new stories on them.
But I prefer Gail's principle: "Don't negate."
And this is a huge negation. You don't have to lose all that narrative capital that's been built up. You can - as I mentioned before - take the Paul Dini route and keep all the good stuff and offload the bad stories.
That noted, I expect what will happen is this. They'll bring Barbara Gordon as Batgirl before the events of Killing Joke. And let her run for several years. And then she will become crippled
it won't be in a refrigerator episode. She'll be hurt doing something heroic and thus they'll be able to reclaim the Oracle narrative and excise the shitty begin.
But I don't know - they're being very coy about the canon after the reboot. I'm presuming this is not a healed Barbara, but a pre- or non- injured Barbara. That might not be the case, but I can't see how else they'd do a reboot. I guess they could have the Joker shoot her and then Super Science fix her.
It's still shitty. It's a bad move.
OTOH, DC's right that it will probably increase sales so they don't care.
I've been poking through other reboot articles on Newsarama, and I didn't realize there are huge rumors of reboot!Superman being a single dude. That feels gimmicky.
OTOH, if the reboot is making the characters younger, then it makes sense, timeline-wise.
HARLEEN FRANCIS QUINZEL YOU GO PUT SOME PANTS ON RIGHT NOW, YOUNG LADY. And a blouse. And lace your damn corset properly.
Yeah. I'm really not digging the new Harley Quinn.
And here I thought her outfits in the Batman: Arkham games were bad...
That interview with Gail Simone makes me feel a little better about the whole thing, though this still seems like a bad idea.
Also, what's up with everyone wearing black and red? First most of the Teen Titans, and now Nightwing.
Speaking of the Titans, who the heck is freaky cyborg-lizard chick in the lower left?