The green flames are from the heavily magicked-up missle that Warren fired at the castle last issue. I imagine the magic part was Amy's doing.
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
The green flames are from the heavily magicked-up missle that Warren fired at the castle last issue. I imagine the magic part was Amy's doing.
I still want to know who has the itchy neck.
Ooh, Kalshane, that's right. Thanks!
Buffy: I know they've been hinting at it...
Kalshane, I pretty much agree with your entire post. And I can usually get origin of the futurespeak (although I admit Haddyn had eluded me) but does anyone grasp the etymology of "spled?"
Splendid, maybe?
Yeah, 'splendid'. It has to be.
Very belated edit: it really does helps to actually correctly spell the one damn word that the post is about. Sheesh.
Hmm. I'm trying to think of another example in Fray where the slang term was formed by removing the middle of the original. Not saying y'all are wrong, just wondering how linguistically consistent Joss' argot is. Most of the words are fairly logical substitutes (the Laws) or shortenings from the front or back end (Haddyn, nessa).
According to the glossary compiled here, the answer is none. Unless there's something I'm not getting about "toy."
Interesting. If you're me.
...wanna hear about palatalization of consonants in the Moldovan dialect of Romanian?
t crickets
...wanna hear about palatalization of consonants in the Moldovan dialect of Romanian?
OMG smonster is so hot.
Hee. Did I mention that I know this not from a class, but "field observations" in Peace Corps? I kept having this argument with a fellow volunteer who would complain about how they dropped the beginnings of words, and we didn't do that in English.
me: What about "I'munna go to the store?" Where's the 'g'?
her: Well, *I* don't do that.
me: You're from ARKANSAS.
Hey! Some of us can speak with mostly correct grammar.